
How Does Geothermal Radiant Floor Heating Work?

Geothermal-Radiant-HeatRadiant floor heating is making a come back as an energy-efficient and effective method of keeping us warm. Where exactly is it coming back from? We know for certain that the ancient Greeks were using radiant floor heating in wealthy homes and hot baths as much as 2,500 years ago, which makes radiant floor heating one of the most time-tested methods at work in the modern heating, ventilation and air conditioner industry.

So, how does it work? The Greeks called it hypocaust, but we call it radiant floor heating and there are a few different ways that it can be installed. At its most basic it works by applying heat directly to the floor and allowing that to radiate through to warm the room above it. There are a couple methods by which it is accomplished, but the one we are most concerned with is hydronic radiant floor heating.

As you may have guessed, hydronic radiant heat can use an energy-efficient geothermal heat pump for a minimal carbon footprint. The geothermal heat pump works in place of a traditional boiler to put warm water through pipes just beneath the floor. The heat from those pipes radiates through the floor to heat the rooms above it. In some systems, not only is geothermal heat pump radiant heating more efficient, but it can also be incredibly fine tuned. By installing control valves, a homeowner can actually control the heat in individual rooms of the house.

Aside from solid warmth and fine-tuned control, with a geothermal heat pump set up for hydronic radiant heating, you can also further decrease your electric bill. Hydronic radiant heating requires even less energy than forced-air heating. So, it can save you money to ‘Go Green’ or in this case, maybe, ‘Go Greek.’

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